Sunday, November 27, 2011

Adventures in urban agriculture

How incredible are these public herb and fruit gardens? They're right on a busy riverfront path in the centre of Brisbane. Full of lemongrass, basil, chillies, thyme, papayas, and (a real novelty for a southerner) pineapples.

It's somewhat amusing that I'm up in Brisbane for a media conference, where there's been lots of discussion about using technology to report news, and I'm busy blogging herb gardens from my phone - hardly breaking stuff, but certainly what I felt compelled to share here! (As an aside, the state library here is incredible! Highly recommend a visit.)


  1. I have just stumbled upon your blog whilst jumping from here to there and wanted to let you know i like it. I love your gardening adventures - I too love gardening but not living in the city have much more space to do so. Happy picking!

  2. Hello. Thanks for the two comments you left on my blog. Are you still blogging here? It's a long time ago, this post?
    Wild mushroom walk? Where did you see you could do that? My partner does a fungi and lichen walk for the NPWS here on the coast and is quite knowledgeable. Those walks are $7.
    Re the working less, yes, I think I've read something similar. It's a serious consideration in our household at the moment - at least for my partner but we're hoping it'll release some pressure on us and the family overall.

  3. Are you kidding me? Why have I not seen this on the blog? You're where? Is this still your blog? The Canadian Rockies? Do tell me more. And now that you've fessed up, show us that dress and shoes. :)

  4. Hello again. I think I'll just use this as my portal to contacting you. Yes, thank you for the congrats on the new job. Ah, so much I could say - change, this time around has not been easy. Life/work balance??? Not so sure, but it's only been a couple of weeks. Commute - worse if you can believe it - but I do have just enough time in the morning now to get a half hour run in before the mania begins.
    How are you? You were going to tell me more about Canada. I'd love to hear it.
